It was great that local residents were given a chance to meet the Leader of the Conservative Party and ask him questions. Lots of questions were raised by the audience of over 200 people. They quizzed him on Heathrow, MPs allowances, crime, ID cards, fuel prices, polyclinics, inflation, schools, Iraq, Zimbabwe, prisons and which Labour front bencher he most admired!
During the question and answer session David Cameron commented, “I’m here to show you that politics can make a difference, that we do want to listen, to understand what’s important to you and to show you that with your help we can make a difference.”
I was delighted that David came to the constituency. It is not often that people get the chance to question a future Prime Minister and find out what he really thinks and feels. Lots of great questions were asked and he answered them with passion and honesty, showing clearly what he believes in and what he is going to do for the country.
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