Monday, 31 March 2008
Boris Johnson meeting local residents

Saturday, 29 March 2008
Back Boris at the Boat Race
Friday, 28 March 2008
Safer and Greener Streets!
Congratulations to Cllr Barbara Reid and the council officers who presented an excellent bid and who worked incredibly hard to win this PFI contract. Roads across the Borough are in need of long-term investment and ongoing maintenance and so this will make a real difference to our streets. Streets will become safer and greener, journeys will be quicker and footways, lighting, verges and trees will improve, which could all help develop the local economy.
Another great achievement by this Conservative-led Council!
Wednesday, 26 March 2008
The Olympics comes to Brentford Football Club
Tuesday, 25 March 2008
A 'Jumpy' Economy
There are tough times in the year ahead ...and we will feel it. Not a great time either for Gordon Brown, who in my view, is still playing Chancellor as well as Prime Minister.
Saturday, 22 March 2008
Happy Easter!
Wednesday, 19 March 2008
Local Post Offices under threat

169 Post Offices across London are facing closure under the latest cuts programme, including Chiswick High Road, South Street in Isleworth and Whitton Road in Hounslow South.
The consultation closes on the 2nd April, but the final announcement will not be made until June – conveniently after the elections for London’s Mayor and Assembly.
Across the country over 4,000 Post Offices have closed with a further 2,500 due to close by 2009. Following the last Labour cuts programme, the number of Post Offices in London was slashed to just 849 in September 2007, from 1,225 Post Offices in 2001. Labour holds the record for closing Post Offices faster than any other Government – almost 10 a week since they came to power.
Our local Post Offices provide a valuable service to the local community, particularly to the elderly who most rely on them. I will therefore fight the closure of our Post Offices which are under threat. I plan to:
- Give Sub-Post Offices more freedom to offer a wider range of business services
- Push for more Post Offices to be ‘One Stop Shops’
- Allow the Post Office to work with carriers other than the Royal Mail
- Find other outlets for current Post Offices where it may be more cost effective
Do please sign the petitions that are available at all three locations in the Constituency, if you think they should stay open.
Photo: Cllr Brad Fisher, local resident Lucia Frangiamore of Whitton Road and Mary
Tuesday, 18 March 2008
Education ignored in the Budget
Most leading economists believe there will be a downturn in the months ahead...and we are badly prepared. Nothing has been put aside to help deal with the bad times and the cost of living is already rising fast.
So what was in this budget?
- Biggest alcohol tax rise for a generation
- 70% of motorists will pay more Vehicle Excise Duty
- Borrowing levels have soared (£7bn higher next year than this)
- Growth is down
- Ignored public opinion on a national road pricing scheme and it will go ahead
- No new money for key areas e.g. education and defence
What more are we getting for our money? In my view.....nothing!
What we need is a new Conservative Government and George Osborne as the new Chancellor.
Wednesday, 12 March 2008
David Willetts in Isleworth

He met with Thalia Marriott, the Principal at West Thames College in Isleworth, then went on to visit the Skills Centre and the Borough Youth Service in Feltham with Cllr Mark Bowen, the Conservative Parliamentary Candidate for Feltham & Heston.
Further education and training is critically important for the future generation. West Thames College is an outstanding example of giving opportunities to many young people to develop their skills and their experience. It has also made a huge contribution to equality and diversity. We met some great students who are really good role models, in having taken the initiative and challenge to create a better future for themselves. We need more young people like them.
Photo -
Front row: David Willetts MP (Shadow Secretary of State for Innovation, University & Skills), Thalia Marriott (West Thames College Principal), Mary Macleod (Conservative Parliamentary Candidate)
Back row: Cllr Lin Davies, Cllr Barbara Reid, Billy Elliot (West Thames College Assistant Principal)
Tuesday, 11 March 2008
Is it a fix?
If these allegations are true, then the Government's consultation is a complete waste of time....and they are lying to us by going through the motion of a consultation.
If these allegations are true, then this will be another case which shows that the Government does just whatever it wants, with no regard to what the public think.
If these allegations are true, then Ruth Kelly must be held to account on this.
Monday, 10 March 2008
M&S Go Green
Every year, British retailers give out 13 billion bags, which take 1,000 years to decay. Following a trial by M&S, demand for bags fell by more than 70%. If this is followed across the country, then there will be 280 million bags less every year. The money raised by M&S from selling plastic bags to food shoppers, will go to the Groundwork Trust to improve parks, play areas and gardens.
We can all make a difference to the environment, even in a small way, and make the world a better place. M&S has taken a lead in the retail sector which hopefully will put pressure on other retailers to also reduce the number of bags they hand out for free.
Friday, 7 March 2008
They have done it again! O% Council Tax Increase
Tuesday, 4 March 2008
Let there be peace...
US Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice is currently in the Middle East to try and save Israeli-Palestinian peace talks. Medical sources say at least 112 Palestinians - including children - have been killed since Wednesday. Three Israelis have also died in recent days - a civilian and two soldiers. This recent outbreak of violence and bloodshed in Gaza has been triggered by Hamas. Innocent people continue to be killed and wounded around the Gaza Strip.
When I was in Israel a few months ago, I saw some of this for myself as I held some of the rockets that daily were landing in Israel from the Gaza Strip. As we travelled around the West Bank and also as we stood on the Golan Heights - with Syria on one side and Lebanon on the other - it was clear to see how security issues have become part of everyday life. What is disturbing though, is the impact that violence has on the next generation. We visited a school near the Gaza Strip and saw how they are impacted ... always having to play in secure covered areas which are protected.
It is so important that communication takes place and that some peace deal is reached. Peace cannot be sabotaged by the few who want to reject peace ... or more families will suffer and more lives will be lost.
(With me above is Kulveer Ranger, who previously lived in Hounslow and now is Vice Chairman of the Conservative Party for Cities)