Local residents are definitely saying a strong 'NO' to the Government's expansion plans of Heathrow.
I have recently sent out 45,000 surveys to local residents asking for their views. So far, 93% of respondents have said that they are against expansion.
This view was supported at the public meeting I organised in Isleworth this week. The speakers were (from left to right of photo):
- John Stewart, Chairman of HACAN (Heathrow Association for Control of Aircraft Noise)
- Maggie Thorburn, Friends of the Earth and local resident
- Maggie Thorburn, Friends of the Earth and local resident
- Roger Wiltshire, Secretary General of BATA (British Air Transport Association)
- I am in the middle
- Cllr Barbara Reid, Hounslow Council's lead member of aviation
- Cllr Phil Andrews, local ward Councillor
There was a really good turn out at the Isleworth Working Men's Club on St John's Road on Thursday night. It showed the strength of feeling that people have on this issue ...as these plans will affect their quality of life on a daily basis.
We must continue to speak out on this, to make the Government listen to public opinion. Lets not give up the fight!
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