Sunday, 9 May 2010

An Election Won....

Election day has been and gone..!

I would like to personally thank all those (20,022 people) who voted for me on Thursday. You have put your trust in me as your Member of Parliament and I appreciate your support.

The residents of Chiswick, Brentford, Isleworth, Osterley and Hounslow have voted for change and a new start. I will work tirelessly for everyone in this constituency and do all I can to bring real change that improves life here for us all.

My heartfelt thanks to you all and I look forward to working with you in the years ahead.

PS Thanks to my amazing team who worked so hard to get the right result.
Photo 1: Mary with her Campaign Director, Barbara Reid
Photo 2: Mary with her sister Liz at the Count just after results had been announced

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

William Hague meets Chiswick residents

I was delighted that William Hague, the Shadow Foreign Secretary, spent his Bank Holiday Monday meeting with us, meeting people in Chiswick. He walked the length of the High Road, speaking to local residents.

His message was clear. If residents want a change from Gordon Brown and this tired Labour government, it can only be achieved by voting Conservative at the General Election.

A crowd of local residents gathered at Sir William Hogarth’s statue, and William Hague took to his soapbox to tell everyone listening that only the Conservative Party can deliver the change that is needed for the country. He also encouraged everyone to vote for me!

Every vote counts in this General Election as it is a tight contest between Labour and Conservative. Only by voting Conservative on Thursday will you get a new government that will start to rebuild this country on Friday. A vote for the Liberal Democrats is a vote for five more years of Gordon Brown.

Please vote for change.

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Chiswick, Brentford, Isleworth, Osterley and Hounslow need change!

With only a few days to go, I wanted to give you a few reasons for why I would like you to vote Conservative on May 6th.

Reason No 1

The Labour government and Gordon Brown have backed a Third Runway all the way. Labour still does. So, returning a Labour government or a Labour-led coalition keeps a Third Runway high on the government agenda. Only a Conservative government will stop the Third Runway and introduce a better transport policy - not just for this constituency but also for London and the UK.

If you want a local candidate who will support local residents on this issue and stop the third runway, then vote for me.

And if you want to know more about our policies in this area click here:

Other reasons to follow!