Wednesday, 25 February 2009

David Cameron's son Ivan dies

It was very sad news to hear today of David Cameron's eldest son Ivan dying in the early hours of this morning at St Mary's Hospital. Ivan, who was six years old, suffered from cerebral palsy and epilepsy. My thoughts and prayers are with David, Samantha, Nancy and Arthur and the extended family at this sad and difficult time.

Hearing of a death like this, reminds me how important it is that we make the most of each day. None of us, no matter what age we are, know how long we have in this world. Someone once said, "live each day as though it is your last". Sometimes we get so busy (especially me!) that we forget to "stand still and smell the roses" and enjoy each moment. We need to take time for ourselves, time for friends and family and time to reflect and remember how fortunate we are in so many ways.

Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Hounslow Community Reception with Baroness Warsi

Last night Baroness Sayeeda Warsi was the guest of honour at our Hounslow Community Reception, kindly hosted by the Urban Spice restaurant.

Saira Khan, an entrepreneur and former contestant in ‘The Apprentice’ introduced Sayeeda to the guests. Saira talked about her experiences of being brought up in Britain and the values of hard work, focus and determination, which have helped her get to where she is now.

In her speech, Sayeeda mentioned how important it was to work across religious and ethnic groups and bring them together in the community. She did not feel that giving government funding to just one ethnic or religious organisation helped in creating community cohesion.

In my view, government funding should be given to local councils to distribute as a Community Cohesion grant. They can decide which organisations work best locally across all religious and ethnic groups, in building a stronger society, where people of all backgrounds live, study and work closely together within their local community.

Photo 1: Mary with Saira Khan and Sayeeda Warsi
Photo 2: Mr Pankaj Makol, Mr & Mrs Neeraj Makol and Mr Jaz Walia with Mary Macleod and Sayeeda Warsi at the Urban Spice restaurant, 159 Hanworth Road, Hounslow